Employee engagement is a positive commitment the employee has to the company and its goals. It is not the satisfaction, happiness or motivation but the combination of all which make employees offer more of their capability and potential. For me as an employee, its the good feeling of knowing my roles as a member of a big team called the organization. Having my voice to show my feedback. Knowing the main goals of the teams and company and looking forward to achieving them. Employee engagement for me, as an employer, is about making the business goals visible and trust every team members to show their ability and effects for improvement. Hearing the employees voices and ideas and drawing out a deeper commitment from our employees so fewer leave, sick absence reduces, accident rates decline, conflicts and grievances go down, productivity increases.

As Gallup reported, 70% of employees in the United States, 84% in Germany and 87% of all employees globally are nor engaged in their job. So it’s clear that the issue of engagement in the workforce can no longer be called unessential. Companies lose $65 billion a year as a result of employee disengagement. Turnover, which often follows long-term disengagement, costs organizations between 48% and 61% of an employee’s annual salary. On the other hand, teams and managers who notice engagement in their workforce, have 20% better performance in sales and 10% better in customer relationship. Companies with engaged employees have less than 41% absenteeism and 17% better annually productivity. The best time to improve workplace engagement is before disengagement damages companies and economies. So now is the time for companies to turn their tactics toward fixing disengagement.

ComeMit is a mobile and web application consists of three main parts to cover all aspect of employee engagement. 1. Mood tracking and feedback 2. OKR method for goal defining and progress tracking 3. Fun-healthy challenges between employees

Track the well-being of your team, as an employer, showing you the overall mood of the teams during the days, weeks and months. This lead to discovering how could the meetings, events and discussions effect your team members. How the new assigned project/responsibility to a team has changed their moods and showing the bottlenecks inside your company. By analysing the reasons and their feedback, you will also have a worthy database of the causes and the problems. So then it's time to offer suitable solutions. Track the mood of yourself as an individual over time, help you become more aware of your feelings, and the things that cause them. This is the key to making you happier, just the simple act of showing people what has made them, and others, happier in the past is a sure fire way to make them happier in the future.

Goals are the first part of project planning. They give you a long-term vision, motivation and focus needed to complete whatever you’ve set out to achieve. According to the reports, only 3 out of 100 adults write down their goals and they also rarely keep track of what they’re hoping to achieve. According to a survey, 80% of company leaders don’t track their goals. As a result, according to the same survey, 77% of them don’t achieve their company vision. There are some useful approaches for setting goals that will help you complete projects. One of the most important of them, invented at Intel and used by big companies like Google, is OKR. in OKR, you define goals by focusing on two factors: Objectives – broad goals you hope to accomplish. Key results – specific numbers or other outcomes that will signal reaching the objective. Setting OKR goals works particularly well for teams as it allows to define strategies for the entire team as well as all individuals involved in a project and provides metrics to evaluate their output. Goals set using the OKR method are typically easy to understand. After all, to set a goal, all you need to do is mention the objective and come up with a key metric to measure the success by.

One of the most effective parts of employee engagement is clearing the main goals, check-In progress regularly and help Employees succeed and improved in their field. OKRs allow employees to connect all the way up to Top Company goals. They promote feeling connected to the top mission of the company. OKR goals also create the clear focus on what really matters. They also allow for a bottoms-up approach to setting the goal (not just being told what to do). So employees feel more engaged by seeing how their contributions directly impact enterprise goals. They can also check their progress and feel more improved during their working period.

According to the research, over 90% of workers spend more than 40 hours per week at work, which makes the workplace a great place to target and change health behaviours. As part of the cultural change, wellness challenges at work can provide a fun, motivating spin on the promotion of health behaviours. The purpose of Challenges is to encourage healthier lifestyle behaviours. Challenges are successful when a supportive, positive climate of fun and camaraderie helps people to adopt or maintain a healthy way of living. With little or no investment in creating a company challenge, the net result is an engaged and productive workforce that performs at a higher level – everybody wins!

According to Bob Pike, author of The "Fun Minute Manager", a fun work environment is one in which formal and informal activities occur regularly that are designed to uplift people’s spirits and remind people of their value to their managers, their organization, and to each other.It helps build camaraderie. It increases productivity, enhances employee satisfaction and loyalty, encourages creativity and innovation for a better workplace and bigger profits.Challenges should be designed to reward effort and make it possible for as many people to succeed as possible.

ComeMit is an all-in-one platform with focusing on the most three important aspects of employee engagement; moods and feedback, goals with OKR platform and fun-healthy challenges. Gamification methods for motivating the users and machine learning algorithms for smart recommendations make ComeMit more powerful and successful in employee engagement.

Yes, It is. We have also the individual version of ComeMit for -those employees who care about their engagement themselves and want to have more improvement during their working time. -those freelancers who work on their own and want to track their projects progress and achieving their goals. -those who want to have their mood, time and health management and being the hero of their lives.