Python crash course, Persian, 24.04


(No Prerequisites)

You will learn in Persian:

✔ logical thinking
✔ Python and IDE setup
✔ Basic: variables, operator, and data types
✔ Conditional statement and iteration
✔ I/O, functions, and advanced data structure
✔ Object Oriented Programming (OOP), regex
✔ Python libraries: Numpy, pandas, and plotly
✔ GUI with QT
✔ Create a simple application
✔ Follow a basic Python script



(No Prerequisites)

You will learn in Persian:

✔ logical thinking
✔ Python and IDE setup
✔ Basic: variables, operator, and data types
✔ Conditional statement and iteration
✔ I/O, functions, and advanced data structure
✔ Object Oriented Programming (OOP), regex
✔ Python libraries: Numpy, pandas, and plotly
✔ GUI with QT
✔ Create a simple application
✔ Follow a basic Python script