Employees Expectations: what are the most annoying aspects of your job?

Employees’ survey results about their expectation for an ideal job

Most of the business owners and managers believe that they are doing their bests for their employees. Their business is working and their goals are accomplishing, their people come every day to the work without any arguments and complains. So it should not be any problem. Most managers rarely ask their employees about their opinions and often believe that those yearly employees survey and promotion would be enough to understand what’s happening on the employees’ side and how to make them more satisfied. By the way, they plan to have a big Christmas party too! and that’s it, what does an employee really expect from a job! 

In a research* about the employees’ survey:

52% of managers said that they just reviewed employees feedback but took no action on it!
27% said they never reviewed their gathered feedbacks at all!
47% of managers said they spent only two to five days a year on activities related to employees’ survey and engagement!
and 45% of employees said employees survey had little or no value at all for them!

In 2017, software and internet companies had the highest level of employees turnover when compared to other major industries, according to data gathered by LinkedIn. Silicon Valley Tech companies are well-known in providing the best employees perk like the free meal, transportation, child care, and high income, but these perks aren’t still enough to encourage their people to stay long at even some of the largest Tech companies in the world. For instance, the average working period for Airbnb’s employees is 2.6 years, for Facebook’s is 2.5 years and in Tesla and Dropbox is 2.1 years. But what really encourage employees to stay longer in a company? Can employees’ survey make the employees expectations more clear? Do employees need more perks, more money, or more vacations? what do employees think about the motivational factors in their work?

To find the answers for these questions and knowing more about the real employees expectations, ComeMit team have done an open employees’ survey from more than hundred employees all over the world and the results are notable.
These are the most annoying aspects of a job and the most real employee expectations from the survey result:

As the results show, having some physical activities during the day and the possibility of spending some more time with the family in the next step are the most important employees expectations from a job. Receiving positive feedbacks and encouragement from managers, having healthy foods and snacks in the company and having more  communication and fun in the teams are the other employees expectations  in their workplace. In this survey, employees rarely spoke about the money, income or monthly salary but more recognition , communication and consideration. Employees need to have their sounds, their opinions and feedback at their work and if their important expectations are ignored , they will quit soon.

Doing employees survey is not the only solution for engaging the employees but one of the required ones. In ComeMit we  support the most important aspects of employees expectations in one platform. Start for free today to see the results…

(This employees’ survey has been done by ComeMit team with about hundred employees from different fields of working and from different countries, 80% of them were full time employees and 20% were part time)

*source: https://www.officevibe.com/blog/employee-surveys-infographic